Guys. Spring has been all sorts of stupid. I haven't felt much like writing about my kitchen exploits.
In short, both my condo and my heart are back on the market.
I have been wanting to sell my home for years, and now is finally the right time. My cousin set me up with a killer realtor who is so awesome. This girl gets me. We were house hunting a few weeks ago and when we walked into this beautiful kitchen with built in wine cubbies she turned to me and said, "I can see you in this kitchen." And I was like, "YES! I CAN SEE ME IN THIS KITCHEN!" So, fingers crossed, someone with fabulous taste will buy my condo so I can buy the house with the kitchen with wine cubbies and Penny can have a yard all to herself.
As far as my personal life goes, well, it's personal. I will say that everything was rather grown-up and amicable. Penny is thrilled to be the only dog in my life again and I am excited to not have to share my dessert. Yes, I am making light of things because that's what you have to do to be OK.
Penny's tongue, am I right? |
Part of being OK has consisted of filling my schedule with lots of activities and events and people. You can't cry if you're at a barbecue! (This is actually false. You can and will cry at a barbecue.)
Meet Fluffy |
In addition to crying in public, I also fostered a dog for a few weeks. My local rescue organization needed someone to give Fluffy (yes, Fluffy) a temporary home while they waited for the perfect permanent family to adopt him. So I agreed to let Fluffy come stay with me. Penny was indifferent. I found him to be a little smelly and a little humpy. Fluffy humped everything in sight, including Penny.
He's pretty cute. |
So that's the update on the life. I'm finally getting back into baking. For a while there, I was a little anxious to bake anything for fear that I'd have a pity party and eat it all. (I'm more of a drown-my-sorrows-in-cookies type of girl as opposed to ice cream, so this was an actual reality.) But I'm feeling a lot stronger now so I trust myself around things like white chocolate chip cranberry oatmeal cookies and lemon meringue pie.
White chocolate chip, cranberry oatmeal cookies |
I made a double batch of the cookies and popped the dough (after rolling it into little balls) in the freezer. Now whenever I need to bring along something yummy (to all the cool BBQs I'm not going to cry at!) I can just pop out as many I need, toss em on a cookie sheet, and bake away.
Pie goals (And how about that cute placemat?!) |
The lemon meringue pie was in honor of my dad on Father's Day. I made everything from scratch, including the pie crust. I felt pretty badass seeing as how pie crust is a finicky little jerk sometimes. But I conquered it. And I only ate one big slice. And my brother's leftovers. And what stuck to the knife. (HEY I'M A WORK IN PROGRESS!)
Maybe some of you out there are going through a hard time yourself. If that's the case, I just want to point out some cool things that have helped me the past couple months.
Happy summer, friends!
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